What are the card styles?
Biscuits Bundles App provides 4 product card styles to choose from.
Portrait Compact
Horizontal Compact
What else effects card styles?
There are also two settings on the bundle that will impact how your product card appear on your site.
Discount Type "Fixed"
If your bundle discount type is "Fixed" you wont see price displayed visually on the product card, however you can make them visible again with custom css. See below.
Quantity Type "Fixed quantity for all options"
If your bundle step quantity type is "Fixed quantity for all options", you wont see a quantity picker displayed visually on the product card. However you can make them visible again with custom css.
What will the card styles look like?
Default Styles
Discount Type: Fixed Price Bundle
Quantity Type: Fixed Quantity
LEARN MORE: π Getting Started Guide Step 2