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Customise the look of your bundle form
Customise the look of your bundle form
Updated over a week ago

🌟 Getting Started Guide Step 3.1

1. Open your theme editor

We recommend creating a duplicate of your live theme and making changes on an unpublished version to ensure your site remains unaffected during updates.

2. Navigate to your default product template

By clicking on home page in the top middle nav bar you can switch to previewing your default product page.

3. Open the Biscuits Bundle App Block

Click the Biscuits Bundle Builder block under your themes product information/details section to start configuring the look of your bundle form.

4. Customise


  • Product card text color and background

  • Input text color and background

  • Selected state background and text color

  • UI divider and sale text color

Show/hide features

  • Box shadow

  • Selected count badge

  • Running totals

  • Product title links


  • Set the card padding

  • Set the space between each card in the grid/slider

  • Set the top and bottom padding of the block within the section


  • Set a border color and radius to match you theme

  • Set a border thickness to make your selected grid items stand out

Input styles

  • Pill

  • Rectangle

  • Ball

Highlight Styles

  • Fill

  • Outline

5. Custom CSS and Javascript

If your bundle form vision extends beyond the initial blocks settings, Biscuits Bundles also provides custom CSS and Javascript fields at the bottom of block settings.

UP NEXT: 🌟 Getting Started Guide Step 3.2

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